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Flowers are the music of the ground, from earth's lips spoken without sound. - Edwin Curran


A Herbal Medicine of the Past
for your Present Wellbeing

Our Story

The word "chamomile" derived from the Greek language χαμαίμηλον (khamaimÄ“lon), means "earth's apple".
Xαμαί (khamai) "on the ground" and μῆλον (milo) "apple".
Chamomile grows low on the ground and has a mild apple aroma.
Hippocrates used Chamomile as a medicinal plant to cure many illnesses, physical as well as mental.
Hi, my name is Xanthi Zafiris and I brought Chamomile Therapy to life in order to bring back the same holistic therapeutic effects of this exceptional medicinal herb in combination with many other holistic therapeutic approaches. Today chamomile, in its natural form as well as chamomile extract, has been clinically proven to treat many inner and outer physical symptoms as well as mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.
We are fortunate to have access to this magical and healing herb.  

 You deserve to feel wonderful and balanced in both your body and mind.

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Chamomile Therapy

for the inner you

Chamomile Therapy

for the outer you

Chamomile Therapy

for your calm mind

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Chicago, Illinois
Athens, Greece

001-847-660-4324 USA - 011-30-6942799607 GR

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